We are proud to be one of the largest providers of financial services but this isn’t the only measure of our success; we strive to be a responsible corporate citizen, focused on making a difference to our people, our planet and our society.

Our ability to do good begins with our people, our greatest asset, and through them we know we will make a real difference to the world around us. As we grow as a business, so too does our drive to have an influence; To make the world a better place, to preserve our planet for future generations and to positively impact our people.

We have a commitment to people, planet and society. Through different initiatives such as an employee mentoring scheme, an ESG supplier assessment, our Women’s Accelerator Program, and our monthly internal eco-watch emails, we are driving positive change in the financial services industry.

Each year we take action and complete our own full ESG assessment and Carbon Footprint measurement so we can review ourselves and make sure we are making a positive impact not just on the environment but through our own policies and for the welfare of our people.

Our employees also have access to a mentoring scheme, a confidential whistleblowing tool and regular educational content to keep them informed on important sustainability and diversity topics.

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