Be empowered to thoroughly identify, measure, and monitor risks and exposures and with our comprehensive and cost-effective risk reporting solution. 

Report production is available via RiskMonitor, our SaaS platform, for fully accessible, custom-made, and automated end-to-end reporting.  

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Our team of experienced risk management experts is on hand to help you by meticulously reviewing all reports, ensuring accuracy, and reliability.  

Accessible and detailed risk reports enable you to make informed choices, fortifying your ability to proactively manage potential risks.  

Services include 

  • Calculation of risk sensitivities 
  • Risk reporting for complex investment instruments 
  • Full Greek reporting 
  • Investment guideline reporting 
  • Value at Risk (Monte Carlo), historic, or parametric Value at Risk 
  • Exposure reporting by instrument type, geography, long and short positions, and exposures by issuer 
  • Leverage reporting 
  • Stress testing 
  • Liquidity reporting 
  • Counter-party reporting 
  • Explain functionality 
  • Compliance and limit functionality 

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